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Blog Post 5 - Web Design Research

I learned a lot of new and useful things in DES117. This new knowledge are little hard for me to apply, but I really enjoy learning it. I still have a lot to learn about website design, I will discuss my findings in this post.Read More

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Blog Post 4 - Learning Web Design

After reading chapters 14, 15, 16, and 17 of Learning Web Design, I have learned more about the use of CSS to enrich the elements of a web page, what I tried was the box drop shadows in Chapter 14, "Thinking Inside the Box" (in page 382 & 383).Read More

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Blog Post 3 - Comparative Analysis

The topic I chose for my interactive narrative project is a portfolio website and I thought it would be cool to make my own website where I can showcase my work. I found some designs of portfolio websites that gave me some inspiration.Read More

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Blog Post 2 - Your Article HTML

About my understanding of semantic HTML and how to incorporate it into my article.Read More

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Blog Post 1 - Internet History

This includes the research and discussion about the question of “How to balance between the access to internet content and the leakage of our personal information?“Read More