
I created this zine by using Adobe Photoshop. This zine is about LGBTQ+ Rights, it conveys the message about the injustices experienced by LGBTQ people and their need for help.


To create a zine using Adobe Photoshop, use images and text to spread an equal theme. The images chosen, the text and the typography need to highlight the message being conveyed so that the audience can pick it up visually.


I started by designing the composition of each page of the zine on paper, conceptualizing what I wanted the images and text to look like. I then spent a lot of time finding images that matched and using Adobe Photoshop to make them look the way I wanted them to. During the layout process, I also had to change the text style, size image size, and position depending on the problems I encountered.

project4 photo 1
project3 photo 2
project3 photo 3